






'钟炼将实习记者何如送至废弃商场,调查异象,对方却误入鬼门,释放其中千年执念。幸而钟炼义弟谢皓及时赶来,并变身为无常幻装,暂时退敌。 为阻止敌人的巨大野心,钟炼需取得先人留下的馗甲幻装,并通过八方历练,使伏魔之力完全觉醒。 可是,在这场围绕着“执念”的骚动中,所有人又将何去何从……'





特殊恋人攻略 LoveLock











霸道逆天大魔王×呆萌逗比脑洞少女の宿命般的禁忌爱恋!穿越洪荒宇宙,交织前世今生!东西方玄幻魔法交融~突破异次元种族壁垒!魔王与少女の不可思议爱情冒险!华丽罗曼史为您呈现!每周三更新哦~~爱你们(づ ̄3 ̄)づ~~










内容简介:云初就是做了点小买卖,无缘无故就被被判定黑化值过高,十恶不赦,拉进小世界里做个好人。br云初“好人不长命,放我回去。”br系统【小姐姐,反派终究会被正义消灭,做个身心健康的好人才能长命 百岁哦。】br由于小世界出现问题,本来应该是帮助女主的女配们,纷纷黑化,变成终极大反派,作恶多端,最终被主角打败。br云初的任务就是改变配角命运,阻止悲剧发生,做一个好配角,活到全剧终!br云初……br不做,不去,滚。br见鬼的黑化值,休想套路我!1w0-109480 >>


内容简介:  正邪,谁人能定?善恶,任你评说。山是山,水是水,山不是山,水不是水;山依然是山,水依然是水看破一切之后,看破本源之后;万事万物又如何;看破后,所谓的正邪能如何?善恶又如何?所作所为 ,不过为了活下去而已按照自己所见过的,所认知的活下去PS:强烈赤虎兄弟的新书<秘界>,很好看1w0-4511 >>


内容简介:摄政王,你家王妃又退婚了简介:简介:一夜之间,大将军府林家,满门被灭,摄政王妃林清羽,赐白绫。到死,他才明白,什么喜欢、对他好,都是假的,楚翊川娶他,不过是让林家放心交出兵权,而后斩草 除根,好让幼帝稳坐江山,楚家天下再无后顾之忧。没想到,再睁眼,他竟然回到了还未和楚翊川成婚之前,重活一世,他绝不会重蹈覆辙,兵权,他林家不交;摄政王妃,他不做;这婚,必须退!“楚翊川,我要退婚!”“退婚,你想都别想!”(双重生宠文,1V1双洁)1w0-127776 >>

勾引弟弟之后(1V1 骨科甜文)



内容简介:刚穿越到玄幻世界里的斗破苍穹,魂天尘成为了远古八族里的魂族魂天帝的亲儿子。一出生,便拥有神品血脉,晋级斗宗!魂天帝:“我家天尘有成帝之姿!快把魂族全部资源都砸在他身上!助他早日成帝!” 熟知斗破苍穹剧情的魂天尘傻了眼,开局自己就成为了萧炎的对立面?我这不成大反派了吗?好在自己的身份有些牛逼,仔细想想还有些酸爽啊。魂族的第一天才便是本少爷,什么古族萧族等统统都要跪拜在本少爷脚下1w0-89636 >>


内容简介:  千古华夏,多少人杰埋骨?老子西出函谷关,一卷道德经古今共尊。孔圣乘车游六国,半部论语治天下。千古奇人鬼谷子,百家称祖。杀神白起,煌煌杀机六国畏惧。霸王项羽,力拔山兮气盖世。封狼居胥 ,世无王庭,壮哉霍去病。远古妖庭,十二祖巫,洪荒大神纷出,席卷天下。……“千古人杰、万古神魔,都早已转世在这方世界?”“我可以征召转世人杰、神魔效力?”李子良愣了愣,左手拿着九齿钉耙梳头,右手拿着金箍棒剔牙,狐疑道:“你说的都是真的?”我叫李子良,心地善良的良。……已有完本1.5万高订作品《异界召唤之千古群雄》,欢迎品鉴。聚贤馆:9435239181w0-104 >>

Ichikyu Kyupeke

The story is set in the 90's. Our main character attended a high school in a rural area, and drew his female classmates in his erotic manga. After graduating, he is accepted to a college in Tokyo. There, he finds everything he was looking for - a manga circle.


5 years ago, a mysterious Akuma appeared...However, one man stopped the Akuma in it's tracks, His name is Alalakit. The story start off with Jikeina and Santa. Jikeina was santa's older brother and they made a living by getting rid of monsters or stopping monsters from invading a village. However, Santa has a mark on his left hand, it is the mark of the Akuma. Acttually it's the mark of 'Mahou's Power'. There are 108 of the Akuma's powerful power, and they are passed down to 'successors', each animal who have the blood of the Akuma is changed, to youkais, only the most powerful of the lot are given one of the Akuma's power, and they will have a mark on various parts on their body as evidence that they inherited the power of the Akuma. Santa, has the Symbol of a star on his hand, and on it, is the number '0'. In a battle with a Youkai who has the Mahou's Power of fire, Jikeina is seperated from Santa, and Santa had just discovered what is his Mahou power...it's something to do with the mouth on his stomach...alone, Santa travels to all kinds of places, making new friends, defeating new enemies, and learning the secret of the Akuma, whilst seeking Jikeina. From souhaku scan

Shoujo Sect

The storyline revolves around Momoko Naitou and the key protagonists Shinobu Handa. They understand each other since childhood and Shinobu fell in-love from the very first day they fulfilled with Momoko. Now registered within an all-girl high-school, days gone by has been forgotten about by Momoko, but Shinobu hasn't. Shinobu still expects for Momoko to recall their assurance from long ago, although both follow their particular manners. Characters Shinobu Handa (Manga Based) Shinobu is among the key characters of the tale. She creating her way on earth or does not have any trouble with cash. She's a bourgeois-only-child. She adores girls no matter age. With reference to sleeping in class, usually being a delinquent arriving late and a failure mark, she's ahead of the curve. Nevertheless, it appears that she was once an ideal pupil right out of some picture. She's in-love with Momoko Naitou the most although Shinobu is involved with a harem with the majority of her schoolmates. Momoko Naitou The primary character of the show. Momoko is an associate of the disciplinary committee of the school's that's a responsibility that she frequently sets her at odds with Shinobu and takes very significantly. She's quite gluttonous (although she never seems to gain any fat), irritable, and has almost no tolerance for other people's jokes (although she's revealed to really have a mischievous aspect of her own). She's kind to her school mates, nevertheless, which makes her quite popular. Momoko constantly wears a somewhat powerful-smelling cologne which often gives her existence away before she causes it to be understood. Several years prior to the show she first met with Shinobu in a park when they both were quite young. Shinobu and Momoko inturn gave her a biscuit and a kiss, respectively. This meeting left Shinobu for Momoko with heavy feelings of love, although Momoko doesn't recall in any way. After recognizing that Shinobu is really kind and really adores her, Momoko finds it difficult to warm up to Shinobu due to the promiscuity of the latter, but afterwards reciprocates her feelings. She even hits on an upperclassman, who'd pushed herself on Shinobu, which triggered the upperclassman hitting on her head right against a fire-extinguisher leaving her unconscious.

Majo No Complex

A troubled loli witch confides in a kind stranger.

Discovering my Disciple Wants to Eat Me After Raising Him The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side

Discovering my Disciple Wants to Eat Me After Raising Him The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side summary: The number one pill concocter of the immortal world, Mu Chen, had always believed that it was because he had wholeheartedly concocted pills that had lead to him failing to pay sufficient attention to his disciple, causing him to become seduced by devil cultivation and going astray, later making the three realms to fall to disaster. After rebirthing, Mu Chen decided he must properly teach his disciple, give him the very best resources, earnestly love him, carry him close to his body, and don’t let him grow crooked. Sure enough, his disciple became more and more “intimate”, every day must crawl into his bed to rub his chest and hug his thigh. Only his expression isn’t exactly quite right……

Mother West Wind

Mother West Wind 'Where' Stories summary: Mother West Wind 'Where' Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mother West Wind 'Where' Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Banzai! summary: Banzai! summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Banzai!. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Methodist

The Methodist summary: The Methodist summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Methodist. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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