赐给夏天的星星Stars in summe最新章节在线阅读




















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赐给夏天的星星Stars in summe

她们想要接近对方的心情 改变了在生活边缘游荡的女孩 等到她有勇气踏出灰暗角落的时刻 就是迎接漫天星辰的时分 而往后 她的生活也会如名字般 赐予像夏天一般的自由


内容简介:【火爆免费新书】听过在游戏中开挂,可你听过在现实中开挂吗。高三学生苏牧偶然得到无敌外挂系统,可以在现实中使用外挂,隐身挂、透视挂、加速挂、秒杀挂,一切外挂应有尽有。外挂在手,天下我有。 开挂的人生,不需要解释。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我身上有外挂》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-66068 >>


内容简介:”天不生公子,千古如长夜。“——岳飞秦淮明月,公子风流,赵皓原本只想凭借功德系统逍遥一世,却一步步走向扭转乾坤之路,如同明月当空,照亮了大宋江山,也照亮了华夏历史的千古长河。1w0-3 2375 >>


内容简介:超能富豪是由作者陆原居倾情创作的一本原创小说,又名《首富之路》,陆原李梦瑶是书中的主人公。陆原曾经还以为李梦瑶会是个好女孩,毕竟她一开始对他还是挺好的,但是自从有一个有钱人的男生追求她 之后,她就变得不一样了。而在她说要分手的第三天,他就已经恢复了富二代身份。接下来他会有怎样的表现?各位书友要是觉得《陆原天降巨富》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2359-4758 >>


内容简介:  你终于回来,在我还没孤独终老的时候。  ————  后来,林莫臣已是坐拥百亿资产的集团董事长,国内商界最年轻的大佬之一。  有人问他:“她究竟有哪里好,让你这么多年也忘不掉?”   林莫臣答:“曾经我也以为,自己值得更好的。可这世上,谁能及我爱的女人好?”1w0-694 >>


内容简介:【全文完结】【下本开《燎原》《初爻》文案在后求收藏】夏安二十三年春。数次战败于大夏的邻国楚梁,为了求和,将生了一副绝世容貌却因生母出身而倍受厌弃的三皇子裴溪故,作为一件用来讨好的玩物, 献给了大夏最尊贵的公主宋栖迟。宋栖迟看着锁在铁笼之中清瘦俊俏的少年,心中不忍,为了让他活命,只得假意接受了这份大礼。……而后风云突变,大夏一朝战败,皇帝为保江山,忍痛将宋栖迟献给了楚梁那位手段狠辣人人畏惧的年轻君王。宋栖迟眼角带泪,玉容失色,颤抖着身子缩在金笼的一角,人人都在等着看,这朵昔日大夏最美的娇花,会被那位暴戾的君王折磨成哪般模样。可人们等啊等,只等到裴溪故亲手将囚笼打开,俯身将她横腰抱起,眼角发红声音颤抖:“栖迟,别怕。”【风情妩媚温柔心软大夏公主隐忍狠戾偏执忠心邻国皇子】【高亮排雷】1男主前期由于身份问题会非常卑微,介意慎入,角色三观及行为请勿上升作者。2纯架空勿考据。,HE4防盗设置80,72小时【预收文1《燎原》文案】苏嫽作为相府千金,日日锦衣玉食,只觉得这日子无趣的紧,直到那日,爹爹从府外带回来一位不知身份的少年。少年天生异瞳,府里人皆道他不详,就连一向温顺知礼的大夫人也不愿留他在府中。唯有苏嫽,偏生对少年那双眼睛喜欢的紧,硬是软磨硬泡让大夫人松了口,将少年留了下来。只是一样,人是苏嫽要留的,便得由苏嫽来管。少年的眼底盛满不安,怯生生地牵住她的衣袖,小心翼翼地唤:“苏小姐……”苏嫽转身,笑起来时明媚如春日华光,生生晃了少年的眼:“叫姐姐。”他乖乖听话,温顺的如同一只窝在怀中的猫儿。数年后,大楚城破,铁骑涌动,烈火烧遍了皇宫的每一寸土地。曾显赫一时的苏府早已没落,苏嫽被仅剩的几个亲信护着,仓惶往城外逃去,却迎面撞上了那位白衣黑马的铁骑将军。鲜血顺着他手中的剑尖滴落,于白衣尾处勾勒出妖艳的轮廓。容渊翻身下马,将浑身颤抖的少女狠狠锢在怀中,终于露出了他锋利的獠牙。少年眼尾猩红,咬着牙一字一顿,身后有烈火燎原。“姐姐要去哪儿?”“你是我的,哪儿都不许去。”【明艳活泼大小姐病娇白切黑小狼狗】【预收文2《初爻》文案】季初摇生在永平十八年的正月十八。镇上的算命瞎子激动地握着她的手,说她乃天赐命格,生来能通鬼神,算天机,硬要收她做徒弟。季初摇无语望天,她长这么大连个鬼影儿都没见着过,上哪通鬼神去?奈何父母早逝,为着活命,季初摇只能扛起算命瞎子的家伙什儿,孤身一人来到京城挂起了神算的招牌,开始坑蒙拐骗。一日街边新贴皇榜,上头写着太子盛云朝遭邪祟缠身,若有能驱鬼者,赏黄金万两。季初摇双眼放光,想也不想就撕下了皇榜,凭自己这招摇撞骗的本事,想拿到那万两黄金还不是轻而易举 >>


内容简介:【萌宝马甲甜宠爽文】秦家女儿自体弱多病,四年后,传言她要被接回来,秦家的儿子们纷纷表态。:我没有。二哥:多了个玩具呢。三哥:别烦我!其他哥哥:那是谁,不认识!欢迎会上,一群人等着看秦乐 乐的好戏,结果他们看到令人震惊的一幕。那个不苟言笑的秦家长子居然让奶娃娃坐在他肩膀上!那个总是欺负人的秦家二子居然忙前忙后的投喂。据说脾气暴躁的三子被踹了一脚都不生气。看好戏:世界变了还是我们变了?1w8994-25393 >>

Yes It's Me

A collection of short stories. 1) Love Dancing Beneath My Eyelids College student Numakami has known for a long time that his classmate Mahara is in love with him. But Mahara is pure, innocent - and still a virgin. For some inexplicable reason, this makes Numakami feel annoyed at being the object of his affections. 2) She's Missing Yanagi is in love with Kobayashi, who can't seem to stop talking about Adachi - a girl in their class. What will become of these three teenagers and their complex relationship? 3) Minun Musiikki A quiet pianist and an obnoxious, outspoken cellist often find themselves alone in the music room together... 4) Yes It's Me The story revolves around Toma, who is head-over-heels in love... with himself! However, so is everyone else around him; and he knows that his business partner and old friend, Enoki, is no exception. Toma doesn't blame him. After all, he is only the most brilliant, beautiful, and all-around perfect person to ever walk the face of the Earth! Who wouldn't fall for him? Weirdly enough, Enoki is convinced that Toma returns his feelings. But they should both know by now that there's no one he loves more than himself... right? 5) Yes It's You 6) Loathe! 7) Dreams Unfold at Night 8) Yes That's It


SIN takes place in a post apocalyptic future derived from a universe very similar to ours. The inevitable lack of resources to sustain humanity on Earth had split the world into two warring factions, the United Nations (U.N.) and the New Earth's Alliance. (N.E.A.). After years of unnecessary conflict and technological advancement in weaponry, both sides eagerly stumbled into peace to avoid extinction. Now under the rule of the newly formed United Earth's Federation (U.E.F.) space has become the last hope for the human race. However, with resources more scarce than ever the clock is ticking. How do we decide who's privileged to live and who's not? What happens to those of us left behind? A world now loosely controlled by a single totalitarian government, overrun by gangs, private military groups, freedom fighters, and death; Life seems to provide no more than a fruitless future. Regardless, there are still those of us that fight, we fight each other, we fight the system, we fight for our loved ones... whatever the reason, we battle for answers.

Megane No Incubus-Kun

The shy Sawa Sawada has been holding a torch for her high school's prince, Kawakami, for a year and a half when she decides to finally confess to him. On her way to meet her crush, she stumbles and falls on her quiet classmate Nijouin. While breaking his glasses she gets a glimpse of...?

Mister Mermaid

MISTER MERMAID: On a full moon night, Subaru - a merman - coincidentally saved a man who sank into the ocean. After that, in order to see that man again, Subaru traded off his tail for a pair of legs and came to the surface to find Tatsuki - the man's name. Despite of his throbbing feet and his lost voice, Subaru was happy to be able to stay by Tatsuki's side. However, his happiness soon faded away when he found out the reason why Tatsuki was at the bottom of the ocean that day. FUJI NO YAMAI (side story): Byakuya had an incurable undying illness, which means he couldn't die. Gin, his best friend, made a promise that he would take care of Byakuya until death and the promise had been kept for 16 generations. However, Gin the Sixteenth had no intention of making babies for the next generation; instead, he kept his promise with Byakuya in a way that none of the previous Gins had done.

Conan of Cimmeria

Conan of Cimmeria summary: Conan of Cimmeria summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Conan of Cimmeria. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Down the Ravine

Down the Ravine summary: Down the Ravine summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Down the Ravine. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Lest Darkness Fall

Lest Darkness Fall summary: Lest Darkness Fall summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lest Darkness Fall. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Celestial Employee

Celestial Employee summary: An ordinary run of the mill employee, a recently graduated new employee. An unlucky guy frustrated with life, a n.o.body always being bullied by his superiors and colleagues.
Unexpectedly, a n.o.body like this obtained a fabled power, a thing of the legends, the celestial arts of the Immortals. He turned into the only remaining disciple of the legendary magical treasure refining sect, the Three Treasure Sect, from aeons ago. With this, he gained the ability to refine all kinds of magical treasures, isn’t that amazing?
Author note from Chapter 23 that gives insights into the novel. (Parts are ommited because they are irrelevant at this point.)
It’s the eve of the lunar new year, let me say some things. Secondly, issues with the plot, those who read my novel would know. My novel isn’t like those where the lead is super powerful from the start (TL:and/or MC doesn’t power up like most/every other chinese novel MC on steroids.). Therefore those looking for an invincible MC from the start (TL:and/or power ups easily) would inevitably be slightly disappointed. I prefer to write the process of how a person slowly becomes stronger, as well a the lead’s normal and dull life, rather than him being invincible immediately, and proceeding to become almighty under the heavens, and XXOO (TL: You know… >.>

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