










简介【建议15岁以上阅读】韩亚璃24岁硕士兼助教,一觉醒来发现自己酒后乱性,睡了那个跟自己几乎算是死对头的系上教授老板! 原本以为会是井水不犯河水的同居生活,却在一夕之间跨越了大红线,还直奔本垒!! 怎么办怎么办? 虽然教授凶巴巴又不爱讲话,却举手投足体贴温柔,跟之前的印象完全不一样,害她小鹿乱撞,一颗心儿砰砰跳。 剪不断,理还乱,两人肉体以上,恋人未满的关系,到底会持续到什么时候呢?












夜行者起源故事的最终章。 这是一个你不能错过的故事。你以为你已经熟知可爱的蓝色小魔鬼是如何来到这个混乱世界的?你以为你已经通晓他那爱说谎的妈妈魔形女的故事?先别急着下定论。这对母子将在这个不守常规的故事中重聚,揭露隐藏了几十年的秘密。这个故事将永远重新定义这两名角色。






简介 少年陈钒得高人传授,习得绝世功法,原本只想过着平静的生活,没想到却被校花苦苦纠缠。




内容简介:当咸鱼穿越到兽世。打猎是不可能的,刨地也是不可能的,虽然我有绝世兽君,但吃软饭更是不可能的。陆瑶表示。动脑子交给系统大人。千亩良田,力大活好的半兽人,买来耕地它不香吗?晚上太黑,冬天太 冷!那就开个凤凰收容所!拯救濒危物种!你们说蛮荒没文化,胡扯,咱们已经实行十二年义务教育了!什么,你问我干嘛?签到,赚钱,数钱,花钱。毕竟我家兽君可是要负责貌美哒!1w0-30281 >>


内容简介:【【2019云起华语文学征文大赛】参赛作品】【甜宠爽文1V1双洁】拥有特殊能力的实验体顾念念穿书了,她顶替意外死亡的同名炮灰成为了顾家二小姐。京城上流圈里人人忌惮的陆先生是个病秧子,被 断言活不过二十岁,却坚强的活到了二十五岁。仅仅见了两面,他就被缠上了。“先生,又见到你了,真好!”女孩笑容甜软无害,转身却一巴掌将找茬者煽飞。再看向他时泪眼汪汪:“先生1w0-67090 >>


内容简介:【零点日更下本开《偏偏招惹》OR《引我沦陷》】七中两大大佬,南楼清冷学神陆枕川,北楼年少成名的人间精灵奚柚。据传陆枕川这类的高岭之花,最厌奚柚的顽劣张扬。校园文化节上,奚柚正忙着选人加 入社团,传单正好发到陆枕川面前。“话剧社,了解一下?”陆枕川敛着眸,尾音压短,更显得冷淡:“搭讪?”有人劝:“阿柚算了吧,学神看着就没空参加社团。”奚柚偏偏不服,拿走陆枕川手上的西柚汽水,红唇染着水光,“不能搭讪吗,小哥哥?全七中都知道,陆枕川雷区就是西柚汽水,谁也不让动。正当大家都以为南北楼大佬要正式交锋时——“小、哥哥?”陆枕川笑意玩味,指腹抚上她的唇,蹭下一角口红绯色。“奚柚,我们试试?”人间精灵X白切黑·痞坏混学神校园双A丨明骚互撩丨也可能是互怼|夏日甜文“IWANTTOSEEU”又名《你是奚柚seeu》《我想是你》下本开【《偏偏招惹》年龄差6养成系甜文】文案:江城豪门圈里都知晓,孟家那个玩世不恭狂妄不羁的大少爷,养了个小姑娘七年。这事儿被不少好友调侃,“阿屿,这是提前养了个小媳妇儿?”“就一小朋友。”孟屿漫不经心,尾音拉长,“看上小孩儿,这不是畜生吗?”后来某节目组到夏聆欢家里录制,直播。主持人问:“听说昨晚孟少与新晋小花约会,对这事你有什么看法吗?”夏聆欢:“哥哥年纪也大了,希望他保重身体。”不过三秒,那个年纪大了的孟家大少爷从夏聆欢的房间里走出来。孟屿眼底睡意惺忪,准确无误地将人揽在怀里。“小朋友,你昨晚哭着求我的时候,可不是这么说的。”直播现场一片寂静,随后画面被迅速掐掉。看着直播的好友:……畜生。没过多久,热搜第一,孟氏集团的官方微博——【从始至终,都只有你。夏聆欢】·伪兔子X真灰狼接档文【《引我沦陷》追妻火葬场青梅竹马娱乐圈】文案:①游家大少爷游慕,冷戾至极不近女色,却只把青梅沈绘黎宠得无法无天。大家皆默认,这两人是一对。沈绘黎暗恋已久,她精心打扮,准备和他告白。聚会上,有人问:“阿慕,你和狐狸打算什么时候结婚?”“结婚?”少年指间燃着烟,笑得恣意又痞气,“别点谱,她是我妹妹。”沈绘黎如梦初醒,只是妹妹。②沈绘黎一走就是五年,再次见面的时候,她挽另一个男人的手臂介绍,“我男朋友。”“狐狸还找了个男朋友回来?”好友错愕,“阿慕你没希望了。”游慕嗤笑,不予置评。当晚在无人知的暗角里,游慕咬着她的唇,细碎的尾音被封缄在吻里,“你只能是我的。”沈绘黎没看见的是,那个最为不羁冷傲的大少爷,慢慢红了的眼圈。他紧紧拥她入怀,“阿黎,你什么时候愿意爱我一点。”“年年岁岁,朝夕与共,我仍爱你入骨。”妖孽明艳唱作人X偏执傲气型总裁本小说网提供尽仙著作的西柚汽水最新章 >>


内容简介:盛大少含着金汤勺出生,呼风唤雨,要啥有啥。直到碰到了索宁这个硬茬子。油盐不进,好赖不分。不仅没拿大少爷当回事儿,还把他的脸面摁在地上来回的摩擦。索宁:“你想玩儿,找别人。”大少爷嗤笑着 ,“老子就对你图谋不轨。”——“小索,你想怎么作都行,把天捅个窟窿我都给你兜着。”那天,索宁一潭死水的人生里透进来一缕光。【骚出天际的浪荡大少爷vs沉默寡言的遗体化妆师,男女主成长型,互相救赎,真.尼古拉斯.慢热。】1w0-3883 >>




内容简介:宅了三十二年的君好,被照顾她十多年的自家表姐用一张机票扫地出门了。有生以来的第一次出国游,直接把君好从科技文明的世界送到了崇尚修仙文明的异时空。带着不知打哪儿冒出来的腿部挂件,君好穿越 云海,尖叫着体验了一把惊险刺激的自由落体运动。这都没死固然是好事一桩,可把正在入定的修仙界大佬砸个半死这算不算是一开局就打开了地狱模式?大佬:“很好,你成功激怒本尊了。”君好:“我错了大佬,别冲动大佬,你听我解释啊大佬,我可以赔偿你医药费、营养费、误工费、精神损失费的大佬。”本站提示:1w0-28185 >>

Hana To Uso To Makoto

Some time before the June of summer. One day, she suddenly died... 'I' and the corpse of the girl who should have died, 'Makoto', spent those false summer days in that apartment. The relationship between these two sad, distorted people slowly becomes clearer...

Nori Tama

One day on her way home from shopping, Norie stumbles upon a strange, feverish little girl surrounded by cats. But when she takes the girl home to nurse her, she turns out to be... a nekotama?! Could things get any weirder?! Read and find out!

K.o. Sen

3rd year middle schooler Sen Tobishima, who has inherited his late father's red hair and amazingly strong body, fails every class and cannot graduate to high school because he spends all of his time doing stupid stunts. His mother and grandmother have grown tired of his reckless behavior, so for summer break they have sent him to the kick boxing gym of Coach Sakurawada, the main who straigtened out Sen's father years ago.

The Sexy Simpleton

Mi Ju, the most beautiful cosmetic model of CF, and her school friend Yu Jin, are thrown to the past where at that time people's opinion about beautiful woman are different from nowadays. Mi Ju who is loved by her beauty and body height, in those times was considered as 'ugly woman'. They must find ways to get back to the future if they don't want to live in those times forever.

Golden Time Gaiden – Nijigen-kun Special

Golden Time Gaiden – Nijigen-kun Special summary: Nijigen is a freshman and Banri’s friend. He gains his nickname at the tea ceremony club’s welcoming party after declaring his despair of the three-dimensional world and that he would live for the two-dimensional world from then on. His nickname in high school was “Satoutaka”.

As We Forgive Them

As We Forgive Them summary: As We Forgive Them summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of As We Forgive Them. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page

The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page summary: The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Godfather Of Champions

Godfather Of Champions summary: This is a story about the pursuit of victory. — “I subscribe only to the theory of victory. I only pursue victory. As long as I am able to obtain victory, I don’t care if it’s total football or counterattack. What is the ultimate goal of professional soccer? In my opinion, it is victory, and the pinnacle of victory is to become the champions. I am a manager. If I don’t wish to lose my job or be forgotten by the people, there’s only one path for me to take, and that is to lead the team in obtaining victories, in obtaining championship t.i.tles!” The main character was not well-liked by people. — “⋯We conducted a survey which had been deemed by Manager Tony Twain as extremely meaningless. In a random street survey conducted, ninety-three percent of those surveyed chose the option ‘I hate Tony Twain’, while only seven percent chose the option ‘This person is rather decent, I like him’. It is worth noting that n.o.body chose the option ‘Who is Tony Twain? I don’t know him’. Mark, do you know why Manager Twain felt that our survey was very meaningless?” Parker, a reporter from laughed loudly and said when he was being interviewed by BBC. But there were also people who were madly in love with him. — When Tony Twain was forced to talk about the survey conducted by during an interview, his reply was : “I am happy, because Nottingham Forest’s fans make up seven percent of England’s population.” And he did not seem to care about how the others saw him. — “What are you all trying to make me say? Admit that I am not popular, and everywhere I go will be filled with jeers and middle fingers. You all think I will be afraid? Wrong! Because I am able to bring victory to my team and its supporters. I don’t care how many people hate me and can’t wait to kill me, and I also won’t change myself to accommodate the mood of these losers. You want to improve your mood? Very simple, come and defeat me.” His love story had garnered widespread attention. — “Our reporters took these pictures at Manager Tony Twain’s doorsteps. It clearly shows that Shania entered his house at 8.34pm and she did not leave the house throughout the night at all. But Manager Tony Twain firmly denies, and insists that that was merely the newest-model inflatable doll which he had ordered. He was the number one star of the team. — “⋯ Became the spokesperson of world-wide famous clothing brands, shot advertis.e.m.e.nts, frequented the fashion industry’s award ceremonies, endorsed electronic games, has a supermodel girlfriend. His earnings from advertis.e.m.e.nts exceed his club salary by seventeen times, owns a special column in various print medias, publishing his autobiography (in progress), and is even said that he is planning to shoot an inspirational film based off his own person experiences! Who can tell me which part of his life experiences is worthy of being called ‘inspirational’? Hold on⋯. Are you all thinking that I’m referring to David Beckham? You’re sorely mistaken! I’m talking about Manager Tony Twain⋯.” He was very knowledgeable about Chinese soccer. — “⋯ I’ve heard about it, that Bora gifted four books to his manager Mr. Zhu before your country’s national team’s warm up match. After which, the team lost 1:3 to a nameless American team from Major League Soccer. The new excuse that Mr. Zhu gave for losing the match, was that Bora gifted “books” (‘books’ and ‘lose’ are h.o.m.ophones in the Chinese language). Here, I recommend that you guys find out what that one specific book is. Which book? Of course the one that caused you all to score a goal. After that, tell me the t.i.tle of the book. Before every match, I will gift ten copies of that same book to you. In that case, won’t you all be able to get a triumphant 10:0 win over your opponents every time?” An excerpt taken from Tony Twain’s special column in a certain famous Chinese sports newspaper. He was loved and hated by the press. — “He has a special column in at least four renowned print media, and he is able to get a considerable amount of remuneration just by scolding people or writing a few hundred words of nonsense weekly. While we have to contemplate hard about our drafts for three days before our boss is pleased with it. In an article inside his special column, he scolded and called all of the media ‘son of a b.i.t.c.h’, announcing that he hated the media the most. But every time he publishes an article, we flock towards him like flies which had spotted b.u.t.ter. Why? Because the readers like to read his news and see him scold people. I dare to bet with you, and Manager Tony Twain knows clearly in his heart as well, that even though he says that he hates us, he knows that the present him cannot do without us. Similarly, we also cannot do without him. Is this ultimately considered a good or a bad thing?” Bruce Pearce, a reporter from said with a face of helplessness when talking about Tony Twain. But no matter the case, his players were his most loyal believers. — Gareth Bale, “No no, we never had any pressure when playing on our home grounds. Because the pressure is all on the manager. As long as we see him standing by the side of the field, all of us will feel that we will be able to win that match. Even the football hooligans are like meek lambs in front of him!” (After saying this, he began to laugh out loudly) The reply from George Wood, the team captain of Nottingham Forest, was the most straightforward. “We follow him because he can bring us victory.” The legendary experience of Tony Twain, the richest, most successful, most controversial manager with the most unique personality! Debuting this summer. Thank you for reading.

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