
























简介【每周日更新】不爱运动的林声在家长的强求下加入了击剑社,想不到第一天就被教练的女儿张星洛狠狠地教训了一顿,在与张星洛的相处中林声渐渐意识到了她是一名实力强劲备受大家尊敬的击剑手,但是在一次比赛中,张星洛输给了强劲的对手肖何!原以为肖何无人能敌之时,林声竟从肖何手中拿下一剑,并誓立要打败肖何!为此林声决心踏上击剑之道!(编/绘 西狗)










内容简介:一张极其普通,又极其特殊的“录取通知书”,一个没有名字的“大学”。极度厌恶学校的普通少年尹旷,因为一纸“通知书” 来到这个所谓的“大学”。然后,他才觉得,以前他所厌恶的学校,简直就是天堂。在这个“大学”里,尹旷活着的唯一目标,就是拿到那张该死而血腥的“毕业证”!1w0-1082 >>


内容简介:  文艺版简介:千般法术,万种神通,我只问一句:能敌我一拳否?  ……  儒雅随和版简介:不好意思,我不是针对谁,我是说在座的诸位,统统都是乐色。  ……  这是儒雅随和的主角倪坤,虽 屡被世人误会为魔头,但始终彬彬有礼,以理【物理】服人的感人故事。1w0-105 >>


内容简介:心潮澎湃,无限幻想,迎风挥击千层浪,少年不败热血!十方无影像,六道绝形踪。跳出三界外,不在五行中。红尘中,有美人如画,诗酒才俊,大江横流千帆过,而他只为武道,冷眼旁观。无边黑夜,有邪魔 嗜血,妖妃妩媚,万人尸坑千人冢,而他只做该做之事,坚守不变的本心。待到那一天,来到天路最顶端的地方,他一手指着苍天,一手指向人间,喊出一句:“我是天帝君,众生来拜我。”1w81073-108167 >>


内容简介:【本文日更,上午1130230更新】入v,希望大家多多支持。五行缺四,一脸短命相的周长庸辛辛苦苦考上了地府公务员,眼看着就要摆脱早夭的噩运,穿越后一朝回到解放前。在这个黄泉天封闭,轮回 大道缺失的修真界,手拿着生死簿的周长庸原本以为自己拿的是主角剧本。结果低头一看,糟糕,死气蔓延,自己的名字马上就要出现在生死簿上了,死后躺棺材的滋味不好受。阎王要你三更死,不可留人到五更。人有人道,鬼有鬼途。九幽已灭,地府当存。—————————本文又名:《我每天都在被气死和病死中间徘徊》《拿着生死簿要被全世界追杀》《拜托了,前辈》《骗妻一时爽,一直骗一直爽》《我被火葬场包围的日日夜夜》每天苟着就是不想死·攻vs世上怎么可能有人不爱我·受同系列文请看《史上第一剑修》和《史上第一佛修》,挨得上背景板设定的边请看《不信邪》立意自立自强,健康快乐的过一生1w0-76224 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:搞完核聚变,我和冰冰恩爱秀疯了】秦风,龙国星际探测器总师,可控核聚变研究总师,最年轻的院士他在22的时候,与冰冰结婚,然后隐姓埋名到研究之中,就当他的研究要结 束的时候,冰冰因为采访一个当红明星,惹上麻烦。随后冰冰惨遭1w0-79093 >>


From ADV: A pizza delivery boy must save the world! Young Kenta Akagi has never been anywhere except for his hometown of Lutzheim, where he currently ekes out an existence as a pizza delivery boy. Faraway places, strange foreign folks, the wars they fight, and the adventures they have are just stories to him, until he meets a young girl - the kind of girl that wars are fought over! People seem afraid of her, but Kenta doesn't understand why. All he knows is that he seems to remember her from somewhere, and that he has to protect her no matter what!

Yama Fu-Tang

From Manga-Updates: An adaption of Futarou Yamada's novel 'Kunoichi Kokihei', this story begins the year before the Battle of Sekihagara, in the pleasure quarters of the capital. Kagerou, a real beauty who is a child of the Ootani family, meets five of the most powerful men of the Uesugi clan while serving at a brothel. But sometimes appearances can be deceiving...

Kamatte Hoshi No?

A freshman in college, Amano, is taken a liking by a mysterious senpai, Kamishiro, who raises chicks. When Kamishiro hugs him out of nowhere in their first meeting, he thinks this senpai is crazy, but as he spends more time with him he sees how kind he is. But one day, while Amano is playing with the chicks, Kamishiro kisses him out of nowhere! An airheaded research student and a kuudere freshman's love story.

I Became The Tyrant Of A Defense Game

Tower Defense & Dungeon Attack RPGI saw the ending to the game no one was able to clear.But, when I came to my senses, I was inside of the game.In fact, I was in the tutorial stage, a place where strategy was impossible.'I'll clear this bullshit game no matter what!' mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.

Scream Acres

Scream Acres summary: A house where those who enter, never set foot in the outside world again, for once you 've gotten in, there is no such thing of getting out.

Mastermind: Genderbent Villainess

Mastermind: Genderbent Villainess summary: “My plan to take the throne? Flushed down the toilet.” “The life which I worked so hard to build? Lost by probability.” “p.e.n.i.s? Gone for good.” Tane Vermillion died in an unexpected accident, ending his bid for the eternal throne. All of his efforts had become neutered by simple accident. However, fate brought him elsewhere. “A handsome fiancé that is a royal knight captain...

Mystical Journey

Mystical Journey summary: One moment, Luo Jing was at the brink of death after accidentally touching a power outlet while showering. The next, he was in the body of a man named Garen, with memories of a past he was never a part of flowing into his head. As he slowly gets used to the body of Garen, he begins to explore a planet beyond his own logical comprehension. His journey will see him go from surviving in a planet locked in the 20th century, to wielding secret techniques so powerful that they level cities overnight. However, his journey doesn’t end with Garen. Instead this is but the first of many bodies that Luo Jing will come to wield in his mystical journey between worlds.

Behind Your Mask Is A Beautiful Smile

Behind Your Mask Is A Beautiful Smile summary: The warmth of the sunlight that was shining through the window landed on the girl 's flawless face. Her eyelashes fluttered rapidly as her hands clenched onto her blanket tightly. She chanted, 'No! No! Don 't.. please.. I beg you stop! Ahh!!' She gasped for breath as she wiped the layer of cold sweat off her forehead. She looked at her phone and laid in bed after realizing that she was in her apartment...

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