
































内容简介:  苏酒死于十八岁生日当天,竟然穿进一本古早虐恋小说里,成为一个四岁小萌娃。小萌娃长大之后就成了书中的恶毒女配,这还不够,爸爸是个窝囊废怎么破?苏酒表示,为了这个爸爸操碎了心。“爸,你 不准吃了,注意保持身材!”“爸,明天早上有个通告,你准备一下!”“爸,你给我振作一点!难道你不想给我找后妈了吗?”“爸,要给你颁奖了,你赶紧想想上台发言的词!”在她的拯救下,爸爸从一个糊出天际的全网黑十八线小明星一跃成为顶流一线大咖,赚钱无数。苏酒作为唯一的继承人,坐拥亿万资产,生活美滋滋,可以安心混吃等死了。但是——等一下,为毛书中这个阴暗偏执,心狠手辣的反派大佬,不缠女主反倒缠着她?Σ( ° △ °|||)她不就是在他小时候给他送了几次温暖,就被惦记上了?而且,他不是个莫得感情的赚钱机器么,为什么要酱酱酿酿………多年后,反派大佬在商界和娱乐圈只手遮天,甚至成了爸爸的金主!身为宠女狂魔的爸爸总算意识到有只恶狼盯上了闺女,心惊胆战地给她普及各种安全知识。珍爱生命,远离大佬。反派大佬阴鸷冷笑,“小酒,嫁给我,我的一切都给你,命也归你。否则,我就封杀你爸爸,让他站得多高,就摔得多惨!”苏酒,“……???”1w0-1879 >>


内容简介:  老徐家祖坟冒青烟了!当了祖母的徐老太太又怀上了!老当益壮的徐老爷子走路都带风!老徐家的儿媳妇们却开始瑟瑟发抖,不管她们婆婆生儿生女,家里都要多个小祖宗,这日子,可咋熬啊?十月怀抱, 老太太生了个水灵灵的闺女,取名福宝。老徐家的日子,顿时变得玄幻了起来。福宝:“娘,我捡了一只兔子!”福宝:“爹,这是金子吗?”徐老大:“妹子,你帮大哥瞅瞅,今儿进山有收成么?”徐老二:“福宝啊,二哥对你好不好?”徐老三:“宝啊,你得保佑你三哥这回考中了啊,回来给你带大花布!”徐大嫂、徐二嫂、徐三嫂:“她小姑,你别动,放着,让我们来!”1w0-1824 >>


内容简介:想要一夜暴富吗?想要走上人间巅峰迎娶白富美吗?快来吧,一切尽在《星海世界》,只要你够强,一切皆有可能。《星海世界》一款外星人赠送的虚拟网游,游戏里BOSS不光掉落装备,还能有一定几率爆 出【外星科技】,这些科技完全可以运用到现实世界,价值惊人,只要你愿意出售【外星科技】,钱不是问题。……许飞扬意外获得可以置换装备属性的超强外挂,装备属性太差?把属性置换一下,垃圾装备也能变极品。1w0-106015 >>


内容简介:长生路上行人少,只是仙客与道家一个平平凡凡的普通人,发现自己突然来到了一个神秘莫测的修仙世界,好在他的丹田内,有一块神奇的玉佩。且看吕乐如何一步步逆流而上,最终飞升上界。1w0-962 86 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:灵气复苏:从100岁开始返老还童】苏长天来到灵气复苏,凶兽咆哮的世界,却只能成为一个普通的武者,默默无闻。直到100岁大寿,在病床上快要逝世的苏长天发现,自己 开始返老还童,每过去一天,都会年轻一天,且修炼天赋增长1倍!越活越年轻,越活越妖孽!《狂雷拳》一分钟修炼到圆满!《源能秘术》一小时推演升级成《神源秘术》!《神性细胞蜕变》一天完成全身五十六万亿颗细胞蜕变,成就不朽!(ps:一日保底五更,跪求鲜花评价票)飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-69786 >>


内容简介:【公告】本文将于17日入V,当日三更,感谢支持,鞠躬。无限流新文《在镜中世界攻略NPC》求预收,文案在底下本文文案宁晚心曾经是忠义侯阖府的掌中珠。然一朝政变,宁氏一族遭灭门之祸。昔日才 貌惊绝帝京的娇娇女一夕成痴,被赐给狠辣阴鸷的太监总管做对食。魏澜眉目阴沉,找到半块兵符,他功成身退,她命丧黄泉。卡着她的颈项每日一问:今天能送宁晩心去死了吗??阖宫都在可惜娇花无奈,不日便会香消玉殒。可宁晩心不仅活着,还活过了一日又一日。直到整个内廷都知道,总管大人有个心尖尖上的人。后来,落日孤城里。小傻子浑身是血,眸色清明。四下皆称郡主,求亲的人从皇城排到城门。她却不为所动,朝旁边伸出手,音色轻柔:“阿澜,过来。”食用指南1口嫌体正直阴鸷大太监天然呆落魄俏千金2男主是真真真真真太监3太监真心狠,小傻子伪白花预收分界线舒云被一股吸力拉进了自家镜子里。举目荒山废井,只有NPC一身血衣对他说,要么通关要么死。舒云一次次徘徊在死亡边缘,他却发现一件比死亡更可怕的事情。自己似乎在被镜中人同化。这种同化是从审美开始的。舒云满心悲凉:「单身久了,竟然看NPC都眉清目秀。」NPC饱受冒犯:「???我俊朗英挺,还委屈着你了是怎么。」感谢每一个收藏的小可爱立意投以木瓜,报以琼瑶各位书友要是觉得《跟病娇太监比命长》还不错的话请不要忘记向您微信群和微信里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73396 >>

Heart Stop

One evening, Fukada misses his normal train stop. Upon walking home, he turns to see a man who had been following him since he left the train. The man, in shock, runs away suddenly into the night. The following day, as Fukada admires some artwork at his cafe job, the man reappears! The man, Takemodo, turns out to be the artist of the many paintings that Fukada admires so! Upon Fukada's usual train ride home, he spots Takemodo. Upon both of them departing, and one mans obviousness to follow the other home, Fukada asks 'Why are you following me?'. Takemodo responds 'I do it because I love you'. How will Fukada respond?!


Jinbe is a very subtle and soft tale by Adachi, and certainly it'a story that deals a theme a bit more conflicting than most of his other works. At first sight, Jinbe is the story of a young 17 years old girl, Miku Takanashi, who lives alone with her step father Jinpei Takanashi (nicknamed Jinbe or shark). Jinbe has been living with Miku since his marriage 4 years ago, and considers Miku a God's sent gift from his high school sweet heart late wife. While Jinpei does his best as an over protective and jealous father, we have that Miku holds feelings for Jinbe which are much stronger than the ones an adopted daughter is supposed to have. The main core of the story is to deal how the strong, tender and unrequited feelings of the young Miku put to test their step - father and step - daughter bonds, without jeopardizing any of the happiness that she feels by being close to him as a proper daughter.

Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle

The show starts by introducing youth buddies with quite a powerful and close camaraderie Syaoran, a young archaeologist who's investigating a ruin inside Sakura, and the Kingdom of Clow, princess of the Kingdom of Clow and daughter of the late king Clow Reed. When Sakura and Syaoran in the ruins visit, her spirit assumes the type of a set of wings that are ghostly that disintegrate to other measurements. Syaoran satisfies the Dimensional Witch, Yuko Ichihara, to whom he begs for aid to conserve Sakura as she descends into a catatonic near-death state. Yuko can be seen by two the others who each have their particular wish: Kurogane, a ninja who wants to go back to his house world after being banished from his world by Princess Tomoyo to enable him to understand what true power is; and Fai D. Flowright, a wizard who wants to never return to his house world, Celes, to prevent his king, Ashura-?. In trade for the power to go across measurements, Yuko needs that each spend with that they value most: his sword Ginry is offered by Kurogane?; Fai and Syaoran offer the tat that suppresses his tremendous magic strength and energy and all of Sakura's recollections that call for him, respectively. Yuko then provides an animal named Mokona Modoki that sends the team on a journey across measurements in search of Sakura's feathers to them. After getting the primary feathers, Sakura begins regaining her memories and awakens from her catatonic state. During their experiences, the group slowly grows nearer to to the level that they are jokingly labeled by Fai as relatives. As they journey, they discover the feathers will bestow several unnatural powers to those that possess them and have their own unique capabilities. Throughout their trip in Tokyo, the team finds that Syaoran is in truth a clone imbued with half the heart of the first Syaoran. Many years back, Fei- produced the clone to gather Sakura's feathers and the magician who caused her recollections to be lost by Sakura, Wang Reed, took the first Syaoran prisoner. Soon following the first Syaoran breaks of Fei-Wang the maintain of, his heart is lost by the clone and becomes an puppet that follows Fei Wang's will, betraying the team. The first Syaoran joins with Sakura wanting to save the clone in the team trip. Foreseeing another in which Fai kills the first Syaoran driven by Fei-Wang the hex of, Sakura gets stabbed in his area, but in once divides soul and her body, delivering each to Seresu distinct worlds as well as the Dream World, respectively. In the Dream World, Sakura's soul is destroied by the Syaoran clone when attempting get the feathers. Before her soul perishes, Sakura shows that she is a clone of the first Sakura who had been also taken prisoner by Fei Wang. Fei Wang subsequently requires Sakura's body to utilize its energy that is stored. The team departs to save the two Sakuras understanding from Yuko that Fei Wang is within an alternative measurement in the Kingdom of Clow. Such measurement that is parallel is the effect of Syaoran's desire to conserve the first Sakura from Fei Wang's bane years back. In order to allow his want, Syaoran became Fei Wang's prisoner and Kimihiro Watanuki, Yuko's helper, was used to replace Syaoran within the background in his first world. The team combat Fei Wang who ruins the Syaoran clone when he betrays him. Then he uses power of the two Sakuras and the immeasurably powerful power to resurrect Yuko, accidentally frozen in time by Clow Reed her departure to prevent, therein establishing himself Clow's not inferior. Yuko utilizes Clow's magic as payment and her existence to help make the clones reborn before to dwell together. As the 2 understand all the string' events would recur, themselves are sealed by the clones before the conflict against him in the store of Yuko. The team manages to destroy Fei Wang, who traps Syaoran in a void between area and time, pulling along both Watanuki and his clone as a result of the link. Using their originator's departure, both clones of Syaoran and Sakura disappear leaving two feathers. Watanuki and Syaoran escape in the emptiness to get a cost: Syaoran should carry on while Watanuki should remain in the store of Yuko, going through the measurements eternally. Where Fai, Kurogane, and Mokona choose to join Syaoran once again in expectation of getting a means to restore the clones who remain as the two feathers the team rests in the Kingdom of Clow. Before departing on their different ways, Sakura and Syaoran admit their near, mutually powerful and pure intimate love for every other as they expect to fulfill again.

Fairial Garden

Noah is a young boy whose parents are world famous as scientists who developed 'Fairia seeds.' Fairia seeds are special flower seeds that can 'grow' fairy-like beings called Fairia. Fairias have become popular pets since the seeds became available for sale. Popular with everyone else but Noah. Noah swore that he would never keep a Fairia again after his mother used his Fairia in an experiment and killed it. One day he picks up a houseplant from the garbage and brings it home without realizing that it is a Fairia plant. When it flowers, out comes a beautiful girl the size of a pea. He names her Claire. Claire is a special kind of Fairia called Fairial that can make themselves human-sized. Now, Noah must find out the secret behind the Fairia seeds, if he wants to keep Claire safe.

Child Stories from the Masters

Child Stories from the Masters summary: Child Stories from the Masters summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Child Stories from the Masters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Twelfth Hour

The Twelfth Hour summary: The Twelfth Hour summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Twelfth Hour. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ancient Tales and Folk-Lore of Japan

Ancient Tales and Folk-Lore of Japan summary: Ancient Tales and Folk-Lore of Japan summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ancient Tales and Folk-Lore of Japan. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dick Hamilton's Football Team Or A Young Millionaire On The Gridiron

Dick Hamilton's Football Team Or A Young Millionaire On The Gridiron summary: Dick Hamilton's Football Team Or A Young Millionaire On The Gridiron summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dick Hamilton's Football Team Or A Young Millionaire On The Gridiron. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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