














简介【每周六更新】当所有珠宝都变成人型会怎么样? 当然是抓紧时间和珠宝们过上没羞没臊的生活! 放开那群男人!让我来!┗|`O′|┛嗷 ~~ 作品QQ群:598975117


















内容简介:自打第一次见了修先生,小鹿姑娘就立下壮志,要把修先生追到手。漫漫追夫路,刚开始,小鹿姑娘就被未来婆婆约谈了。路漫漫看着眼前精致的女人,简直不敢信,她是修先生的母亲。路漫漫整理了心情,在 女人面前坐下。女人端起咖啡,优雅开口“听说,你要追我儿子?”“是!”路漫漫不要怕,这一天迟早会来。“我给你五百万……”女人幽幽开口。就知道,经典桥段要来了,下一句就是离开我儿子。“我给你五百万,千万不要放弃追我儿子!”“啊?”路漫漫心里腹诽,这什么操作。女人看她没表态,“一千万……”路漫漫完全弄不清楚现在的情况啊!“一个亿!”女人再次开价。“一个?亿?!”路漫漫以为自己听错了。“对,事成之后,周氏集团送给你做聘礼!”“周氏?”“对,就福布斯排行榜上的那一个。”女人云淡风轻。“伯母,您难道是想用贫富差距把我劝退吗?”女人摇头,“绝对不是,你能看上修远兮,真的是我们祖上显灵了!”……女人莞尔一笑,“漫漫,辛苦了,我看好你哦!”女人刚离开……“路漫漫!”男人带着几分冷峻又威严声音传来。路漫漫的三魂七魄都被瞬间震出了体外……路漫漫机械转身,“修先生,好巧……”各位书友要是觉得《余生路漫漫其修远兮》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61380 >>




内容简介:别家总裁高冷有钱,她家总裁变态有病。跟她在一起后,以为他只是有些污黄,没想到还有“变态并发症”,现在还话痨自言自语了。总裁说:“我们生个孩子吧……我怀孕了。”“你……怀孕?”“你经常不 理我,我替你讲好了。”“……”食用指南:①高冷孤僻女主(半娱乐圈人士)②污黄明骚男主(腹黑心机总裁)③双处,男女主互为初恋现言有病系列预收文《脱下绿帽的男人》文案简介:被绿男主的第二春。爱是一道绿光,越爱越闪耀,他终于放下执念脱下绿帽。她却说:“乖,戴正,都歪了,制服诱惑怎么能少了绿军帽?”高冷正经男(转业军人总裁)VS欢脱女流氓(猫奴宠物医生)本文完结立马开文!戳戳进入我的专栏指路基友文文(强推!!!):《女神她只想睡我》只想要娃,却顺便收了个娃爸亦千锦《踩着黑料当影后》黑料越多,洗白以后就越红《他曾经逆光而来》清冷沉默的维和队长vs性感冷眼的女翻译官《老师!你的数学题超纲了!》老师!这道题太难了!我不会做!《影帝请轻拿轻放》嘴贱影帝与他的小怪力,打脸可真疼《影后,你家喵又疯了系统》小喵喵,你是我的了1w0-80386 >>


内容简介:豪门司机因爱意外失事。重生修真界,却没什么修真天赋。几年之后,他只想在修真界找个门当户对的人家,安安稳稳的过日子。注意路人男主系列,不是爽文。PS300万字完结,长篇连载,每天一更1w 0-77849 >>


内容简介:【本文文案】被英雄主角逼的走投无路要跳河时,反派忽然发觉自己有喜了。xAxA天青叛军第一把屠刀,天字号流氓头子。出身草莽,没脸没皮,人人喊打。xAxA雪照小皇叔禅让皇位,德高天下,本朝 第一神仙人物,天字号贵族才子精神领袖。xAxA两人各自率军缠斗数年,打得你死我活,生灵涂炭。xAxA小皇叔呕心沥血步步为营终于将这祸国殃民的玩意儿逼至绝境。xAxA面对滔滔急浪,跳河是个死,束手就擒也是个死。天青暴跳如雷地将手下骂走,忽然一阵眩晕,然后……他发觉自己怀孕了?!xAxA叛军:……且慢,这是什么操作,就这活阎王,有人敢压?压的时候什么心情啊?!xAxA朝廷大军:这个烂玩意儿,肯定是和他们主子有一腿,要不就是他手下那些小流氓有一腿,要不就是……xAxA风光无两,受人尊崇的英雄主角沉默了……xA穿书xAxAxA◆◆◆预收文:◆◆◆◆xA文案:缺心眼富二代受vs绯闻缠身、清秀冷淡总裁攻xAxA方也恬家破产后,又惨遭二十余岁高龄由A变O。xAxA借债遭拒时,他偶遇已成为总裁的老同学,总裁老同学还是一如既往的帅气冷淡,却在他求业无门、没钱生活、无家可归等等情况下,一而再、再而三地仗义相助。xAxA他可真是个好人!xAxA可是方也恬却心怀愧疚,因为,他为了生计,向总裁老同学隐藏了自己变O的秘密。xAxA直到方也恬无助地在封闭的剧组忽然遭遇热潮期,正赶上总裁老同学来剧组视察……xAxA老同学仗义、疯狂、几乎失控的“帮助”了他。xAxA事后,腿抖得无法起身的方也恬:他确实是个好人呐!xAxA一个关于友情(暗恋)的故事。xA你为什么绯闻缠身、多年不婚、艳情无数却孑然一身?xAxAxA◆完结文:◆xA文案介绍:前太子受vs前娈宠攻xAxA◆完结文:◆xA文案介绍:白月光再次遇着满世界为他复仇的魔尊。xA……要死了!这可怎么整!1w0-28498 >>



Umi No Chikyuugi Nocturne

A high school student, a model, a crush and an illness? This is about a high school student who is a model and has a illness that causes her to sleep walk out of her house and to her school almost every night. When she gets there she tells her teacher she loves him. He never took her seriously, but then he realises he likes her back. Will they get to be together or is the age difference and illness too much? This is a special one-shot in Shinshi Doumei Cross. becoolbeme age rate: 10+ for a worrisom plot

Otogibanashi Wo Anata Ni: Tsukiyo No Maihime

From Transcendence Once upon a time in Arabia, there was a young prince named Alexander. A group of female thieves (Roses of the Desert) planned to raid his palace for gold, but in order to collect information, the girls decided to disguise into exotic female dancers. The youngest, Sheba, had the Muses' voice and immediately caught the prince's attention. However, the prince cannot love her because she is a poor orphan girl. Even worse, the girl was captured during the raid and the prince must execute her in public according to the law. But before that... he called her to his bedchamber... o_o Also contains another short story called Megamisama no Shippo.

Peach Pluck

Peach Pluck summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Peach Pluck. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ninja Slayer Setsu

Ninja... Ninja were... merciless demi-gods, ruling Japan with their karate in the age of ninja tranquility. But, some committed a forbidden form of hara-kiri storing their souls at Kinkaku Temple for future resurrection. Their lost history was falsified and concealed and the truth about these ninja was long forgotten. Now, in the future where the universalization of cynbernetic technology and electronic networks are God, suddenly, sinister ninja souls, resurrected from thousands of years past are unleashed on the dark shadows of Neo-Saitama. Fujikido Kenji, is a salaryman whose wife and child were killed in a ninja turf war. In a brush with his own death, Fujikido is possessed by an enigmatic ninja soul. Fujikido cheats death and becomes Ninja Slayer. A Grim Reaper destined to kill evil ninja, committed to a personal war of vengeance. Set in the dystopian underworld of Neo-Saitama, Ninja Slayer takes on Soukai Syndicate ninjas in mortal combat. Onther manga: + Evergreen manga + Bloody Mary manga

Kill The Dragon

Kill The Dragon summary: In the near future, humanity had begun a war to prevent the extinction of the human race. A fight against dragons and humans. The so called dragons invaded Earth in an organized force from another dimension. After three years, humans had won the war against the dragons. But… 15 years later the dragons will return for another war.

Blue Bonnet in Boston

Blue Bonnet in Boston summary: Blue Bonnet in Boston summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Blue Bonnet in Boston. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

BL - One Night In Pingjing

BL - One Night In Pingjing summary: On an auspicious night in a quiet town called Pingjing, two men meet in a bar. One of them is rich and disciplined while the other is broke and mischievous. What they 're both unaware of is that one 'h.e.l.lo ' is about to change both of their lives forever.

39 – The Legend of Sun Knight

39 – The Legend of Sun Knight summary: I am a holy knight. To be precise, I am the Church of the G.o.d of Light’s Sun Knight…in training.
The Church of the G.o.d of Light worships and serves the G.o.d of Light, and theirs is one of the three largest religions on this continent.
As the whole continent knows, the Church of the G.o.d of Light has the Twelve Holy Knights, and each one has his own unique personality and features.
To be the Sun Knight is to have shining golden hair, sky blue eyes, a compa.s.sionate nature, and a brilliant smile.
…even the Sun Knight-in-training is no exception.
The 38th generation of the Twelve Holy Knights have completed their term of office, yet the time for the 39th generation to take over is still far in the indefinite future.
The Judgment Knight is brash and easily angered; the Storm Knight and the Leaf Knight are always fighting nonstop, day and night.
Since childhood, the Sun Knight-in-training has watched the others grow from kids into adolescents.
What must he do in order to become comrades, who will fight through thick and thin for each other, with this group of “younger brothers”?
“Benevolent G.o.d of Light, may I ask when I will complete my training that has taken more than ten years?”

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