














简介【每周一&每周五】更新 为当红小鲜肉订制书橱?!还可以自由出没他的私宅?!要是被迷妹们知道的话,大概会被羡慕嫉妒恨到死吧……可他怎么和屏幕上的温柔暖男形象差别那么大……傲慢无礼不说,还根本不看书!聘请她的目的,竟然只是为了让她读剧本!Excuse me???


大正十四年、浅草でひっそりと営むカフヱーピウパリア。昆虫学者がオーナーの、文化人達が集う個性的なカフヱー。ここで働く女給さん達もまた、ちょっぴり“ワケあり”で…。 大正十四年,在浅草悄悄地经营着一家西式餐厅。店主是昆虫学者,是文化人士聚集的个性的咖啡馆。在这里工作的女招待们也有点“有理由”[+展开]”…[-折叠]













简介耀客传媒/一波人漫画工作室/漫画岛 联合出品 由人气明星吴磊、陈翔、张予曦、郑合惠子、郝劭文主演的青春奇幻剧《奇星记之鲜衣怒马少年时》同名漫画。少年们穿越“仙人魔”三界,寻找传说中能够安定天下的奇星的故事。


内容简介:萌兽第一宠:暴君,来撩么最新章节由网友提供,《萌兽第一宠:暴君,来撩么》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的玄幻小说,小兵免费提供萌兽第一宠:暴君,来撩么最新清爽干净的文字章 节在线阅读。1w0-74138 >>

大叔,别来可好(陆丰泽 林芝芝)

内容简介:林芝芝生来爹不疼妈不爱,大学没毕业,就被当成交易品卖了。某天,在亲眼目睹了丈夫和自己的亲小姨上床之后,她鼓起所有的勇气,扑倒了丈夫的小舅。“小舅,帮我!”她哀求。男人长指挑起她的下颔, 深沉的黑眸,暗芒灼热,“帮你可以,拿你自己,换你想要的。”喜欢《大叔,别来可好(陆丰泽林芝芝)》的朋友们可以分享到朋友圈、QQ好友或微博哦谢谢支持啦林芝芝生来爹不疼妈不爱,大学没毕业,就被当成交易品卖了。某天,在亲眼目睹了丈夫和自己的亲小姨上床之后,她鼓起所有的勇气,1w0-125065 >>


内容简介:连载文《朱砂痣》预收《重生后我和前男友做同桌》】1某匿名论坛飘起一个帖子。【有比被前男友撞见一个人吃火锅更惨的事吗?】杉某人:有,前男友把我当成偷猎的坏蛋给抓了,还装不认识我:方语杉永 远记得那天,她与同事去野外踩点,却被韩祁川当成偷猎的坏蛋给抓了。同事怎么解释都没用无奈,方语杉抬起头:“韩祁川……”只见韩祁川慢条斯理地抽着烟,唇角讽刺地一扯:“认识我?”他凑到她耳边,呼吸喷洒在她耳根,低声道:“不是说不认识吗?”2韩祁川是利迪亚野生动物保护神,每天都往野外跑。就当大家觉得韩祁川可能跟动物过一辈子的时小兵1w0-115364 >>


内容简介:简介:【正文完结】重生甜文占有欲超强的病娇大佬攻×又软又萌特爱撒娇受前世,柯念一直以为他是顾琛锁在笼子里的金丝雀,是见不得光的地下情人,是最为卑贱的玩物,直到顾琛为保护他而中枪身亡,他 才看到顾琛眼底的缱绻深情。今生,柯念心甘情愿的入住顾琛的心房,被他娇宠在手心,成为他的小娇夫。小剧场顾琛:念念乖,过来。柯念捂住自己的小屁股:臭顾琛,你别想再骗我打针生宝宝。顾琛:宝宝是你自愿生的,耍赖可不是乖孩子。柯念欲哭无泪的大喊:到底谁耍赖啊,故意在情欲正浓时问我要不要,我还以为是要不要再快一点深一点……声音越来越小,脸蛋儿越来越红。顾琛一把将人压在身下:那就再快一点深一点。——傻阿琛,没有宝宝绑着我,我也会甘愿留在你身边的啊。1w0-33116 >>




内容简介:贫困大专医学生秦少阳的生活乏味而无趣,却因爷爷在神农架拜山的神秘失踪而变得离奇多彩…… 在调查爷爷失踪的过程中,秦少阳意外获得神农尺,拥有终极医术,诡异的神农尺带给秦少阳的究竟是福还 是祸…… 当一个个风采各异却心怀叵测的美女暧昧地出现在秦少阳的身边时,一个布局近千年的棋局也在朝他一步步地逼迫…… 1w0-1221 >>

Fated To Love You

A manhua based on the Taiwanese drama of the same name: A really unfashionable working class girl, Chen Xin Yi, desires to tie down her handsome boyfriend to be with her. Due to certain reasons, her boyfriend gets her to go on a love cruise and she started to ponder how to lose her virginity and tie down her boyfriend. Xin Yi ended up taking cold medicine which made her drowsy and caused her to go into Ji Cun Xi's room. Cun Xi is the sole male heir to his family's company and has been in love with his girlfriend, Anna, for a long time. He planned to propose to Anna on the boat, but she didn't turn up. An island owner added drugs into Cun Xi's drink, and Cun Xi became disoriented and returned to his room. Xin Yi and Cun Xi end up having a one night stand. Xin Yi later finds out that she's pregnant, and Cun Xi's grandmother forces them to get married. Will a couple forced to marry for the sake of their unborn child find love with each other?

Seikimatsu Boy's

While running to her new school in the morning of her first day, Marimo has an encounter with three guys from her school, that leave her a strange pack. Later on, in her class, the three guys appear again and kidnap her! Marimo is very scared until she realizes that they want the pack again... as it happens, they are the members of one of the school clubs... a club dedicated enterely to Kero-chans and their merchandise! (These are that typical cute Japanese green frog....) Marimo enters the club and starts to fall for the leader, but this, of course, is only the start of the fun....

No More Money, Please

Lin Tian, a college loser, lives in poverty. After he happened to help the weak who were bullied by local vulgar rich people, he accidentally acquired a system and lived a 'painful' life of being forced to spend money. Since then, he has been forced to spend money every day and is always distressed that he cannot spend all his money. 'Alas, there is still a hundred million left to spend, and I will be punished again. Hopefully they will go easy on me this time!' Lin Tian shook his head and looked depressed. 'Damn, look at he, he began to show off again. Can't spend all your money? Just give it to us, and we will help you!' The inner voice of everyone...

Love Strip

Yuuko is in her third year in Junior High (freshman in high school in US). She is a glasses-wearing, four-eyed-nerd. She is suddenly getting tutoring from the perfect Ryuunosuke-kun, but little does she know, she is also about to get a lesson in love. Yuuko`s dangerous summer hoilday is about to begin!

Roman Catholicism in Spain

Roman Catholicism in Spain summary: Roman Catholicism in Spain summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Roman Catholicism in Spain. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Adventures of a Boy Reporter

The Adventures of a Boy Reporter summary: The Adventures of a Boy Reporter summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of a Boy Reporter. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Christianity Unveiled

Christianity Unveiled summary: Christianity Unveiled summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Christianity Unveiled. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

An Impromptu Ascent of Mont Blanc

An Impromptu Ascent of Mont Blanc summary: An Impromptu Ascent of Mont Blanc summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Impromptu Ascent of Mont Blanc. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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