








简介男主母亲柳舒知道宋琳琳喜欢男主很多年,得知男主拒绝宋琳琳后,鼓励宋琳琳再接再厉,不要轻易放弃,并安排媒体大肆报道男主相亲,随时可能订婚的新闻。 女主苏糖因被男主所救对他心生好感,后以身相许抱上男主大腿才一个月,看见男主可能订婚的报道,在助理蒙甜甜的各种“恶意揣测”下,决定色诱男主,稳固关系。。。。










类别搞笑 都市 恋爱










简介特工被害穿越成幼女,竟遇上腹黑重生世子,想玩养成? 谢灵溪:世子,我们不约! 贺兰潇:这可由不得你,乖乖躺好吧!






内容简介:如愿成为那人的续弦,她尽心教养子女,照管后宅;哪知丈夫成就大业后,骂她为毒妇,并妻妾位置互换。重生后,吃一堑长一智,她再不敢肖想她人丈夫。最终嫁给恶毒阴险的他。他道:你太过良善,怎斗得 过那些毒妇们。所以后宅无一姬妾。果是小恶见大恶,方显出自己的良善来。————————-重生女VS穿越重生女,其实就是恶毒女配男配大翻身的故事!各位书友要是觉得《毒妇从良记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81123 >>


内容简介:男朋友出轨之后简介:男朋友出轨,我睡了他兄弟各位书友要是觉得《男朋友出轨之后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!您要是觉得《男朋友出轨之后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您Q Q群和微博微信里的朋友推荐哦!h31w0-38227 >>


内容简介:初遇时,他毫不在意地将覆在脸上的面具摘下来,对着我笑。我被惊呆了,不为面具下那绝世的容颜,不为他驱散我不安的温暖笑意。却只为那双望着你时灿若星辰的眼眸,隐藏了多少不为人知的痛楚亦沧桑, 竟仍清澈地如一汪秋水那时的他,只是个初入这江湖的懵懂好人。那时的我,只是个初到这世界的迷惘过客。1w0-84497 >>


内容简介:穿书成了绝症男配的兔子精笔趣阁,穿书成了绝症男配的兔子精sodu,穿书成了绝症男配的兔子精小说,穿书成了绝症男配的兔子精顶点,穿书成了绝症男配的兔子精苏瓷,精选来自————成了绝症男配 的兔子精甜文穿书爽文【本文日更,下一本:《逃婚女配不跑了》、《霸总,我只想做你妹妹》】书里,男配是女主的哥哥。男配被女主嫌弃有绝症,性格孤冷又落魄。然而,在女主作天作地,被所有人都抛弃的时候,他依然守护着女主,为她付出了一切,甚至为了她死去。苏瓷穿书了,穿成了男配养的一只小兔子。她发现自己的性命和这个绝症男配绑定了在一起。成为小兔子后,苏瓷每天只能睡在男配灰扑扑的床上,吃着焉巴巴的胡萝卜,防着时不时拔她兔毛的女主。为了变回成人,她需要每天想办法求亲亲。男配发现,最近他的宠物小兔子无时无刻都想要亲他。直到有一天夜里,他低头,亲了亲这个软软的小东西,它竟然变成了一个漂亮的小妖精!女主遇到了麻烦,她跑去找那个一直被她嫌弃的男配。没想到,明明又穷又落魄,快要死去的少年,一转眼,成了豪门子弟,身边还多了一个漂亮得像妖精的少女。让她红了眼的是,一向性格冷淡的男配,竟然当着众人的面,难以自持地亲着那个少女!被亲吻就想露原形的女主X绝症偏执男配1女主超漂亮,撒糖,文文甜到牙痛,双洁。2若不对胃口,请点X,可以不爱,请勿伤害~大家都是又娇又软文明大美人。谢绝扒榜!3小番外会在作者围脖:美人无霜已微博截图下一本:《逃婚女配不跑了》宁知穿成了逃婚女配。书里,女主和男主活成了甜宠文。而同样嫁入豪门的炮灰女配,不仅被发现逃婚,以致于在豪门的日子艰难。加上她各种嫌弃有自闭症的丈夫,甚至为了追求真爱,最后将自己活成了悲剧。想到书中女配的悲惨下场,宁知表示自己绝对不会逃婚,是钱花得不爽?还是丈夫不够可爱?片段一:宁知独占地躺在大床上,而眉目清俊,板着脸不爱说话的丈夫抿着唇,直愣愣地站在床边看她,头顶上的显示框里:一团黑色大大的乌云闪着雷!宁知:哦,他生气了片段二:宁知翘着漂亮的红唇,主动地亲了丈夫的俊脸一下,“喜欢我亲你吗?”男人板着脸,神色冷冷的,低垂着眼帘不哼声,而他头顶上的显示框里:十颗太阳差点亮瞎宁知的眼!女主知道男主一切情绪!!!爱钱小妖精女主X自闭症超可爱男主预收文:《霸总,我只想做你妹妹》唐念穿书了。书里,男主的未婚妻贪慕虚荣,嫌弃男主是聋子,顶着一张虚伪的脸,上蹿下跳,惹得众人厌弃。而作为小保姆的女主温柔善良,不仅不嫌弃男主耳聋,还帮助他走出黑暗,让男主深爱不已。穿成男主未婚妻的唐念,想到以后自己悲惨的下场,面对一身黑色西装,清冷出众的霸总男主时,她第一时间提出解除婚约,只想当他的 >>


内容简介:六十年前,一个中年大叔带着一条长得像癞皮狗一样的麒麟和一头长得像鸭子一样的鸳鸯第一次走入了中州皇城。那一年,这个中年大叔穿过了山海主脉,穿过了四季平原,走进了青鸾学院。六十年后,林夕坐 着一辆破旧的马车,从鹿林镇穿过半个云秦帝国,一路向北,行向青鸾学院…这是一个有关帝国和荣耀,有关忠贞和背叛,有关青春和热血,有关一个怀着与众不同目光的少年,有关一个强大的修行学院的故事,八个完本的人品保证,2012年初夏,无罪安静的为你讲述一个有趣的校园故事。无罪新书《冰火破坏神》http://book.zongheng.com/book/296950.html1w0-1087 >>

Sayonara No Riyu

From Beautiful Soup]: A collection of cute oneshots. Low smut value but high in adorableness. A good read for anyone because it's humorous and full of cute boys. 1)Reason for Goodbye- Students Yukihisa and Akira were dating secretly until Yukihisa's parents discovered them. They don't speak anymore, and now Yukihisa's family is moving. Is there anything left for them? 2)Snow Snow Melody- Mutsuki wants to be songwriter, but he's only a clumsy intern working at a television station. When the most beautiful guy he's ever seen insults him, Mutsuki hits him in the face with a dust rag! But that guy is Kyoya, a singer in a popular band, and he's taken a liking to Mutsuki. 3) Don't Worry Baby- Takaya has a crush on his classmate Wataru, but Wataru only thinks of his younger brother Tsutomo. When Takaya decides to meet his competition, Wataru gets angry. Can these guys ever sort out their feelings? 4)Difficult Love Journey- Shouhei is in love with his classmate Wataru. But Wataru won't listen to his confession! He says he'll only hear Shouhei out if he can beat his test scores. Will Shouhei ever win?

Ketchup Mayonnaise

From Pink Rose Scans • Ketchup Mayonnaise Atsushi's bar-tending mom remarries to a rich, strait-laced (if not slightly old) salaryman. They move into their new house, and he can now sleep in a bed fit for a Prince! With the union, they've become one big happy family with him, his mom, his new step-dad, his step-dad's kids Peter and Kurara, and the ghost of his ex-wife....wait, what?! • The Spring of Water Maki should be on cloud nine---she's snagged the boyfriend of her dreams after finally confessing her love for him on the train platform, with a little help from her friend Fumika. They've even passed the half year mark in dating when everyone around them predicted they wouldn't last a month. Why is it then that she's starting to get the feeling that this was all a mistake? • Chocolate Ice Cream Sakura's been in love with Niiya ever since she wound up in the same class as him back in elementary school. Niiya, however, doesn't seem to be as enthusiastic about her. So of course, when God gives her the chance to change her face to one he'd madly fall for, she readily agrees! Who does she become? And does she finally get her man after 14 years of unrequited love?


Recently graduated Suzumura Rikako was still jobless when her older sister insisted that she apply to the company that she was working for. It sounds really great except for the part where that company is an erotic game developer. Rikako has yet to embrace her sexuality and add to that her shy personality and you have a recipe for disaster. But with all the employees, from the designers to programmers to advertising, being cute females, maybe Rikako won’t have such a hard time making this her career, or maybe it just might make it even more awkward.

Wolf's Rain

From Viz: Humans thought the wolves died off two centuries ago in this bleak post-apocalyptic wasteland. But some survivors lurk among the humans by mentally cloaking their animal bodies. One white wolf, Kiba, scours the land for the scent of the Lunar Flower that will lead them all to Paradise...But will it lead them to a deadly false legend?

Sara's Game

Sara's Game summary: Sara's Game summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sara's Game. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium

Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium summary: Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ascending, Do Not Disturb

Ascending, Do Not Disturb summary: You think too much, cultivation is not like this… When Kong Hou steps on the path to cultivation, she learns that all xianxia stories are full of lies. A relaxed cultivation story. Kong Hou: a traditional musical instrument like a harp. The female protagonist’s name. Translator review: Yes, another novel of Yue Xia Dia Ying. Do I read other novels? Yes. Do I really want to translate those? Mostly not. To describe this novel, I would say this is the author stepping out of her usual range. The romance progresses slowly (don’t say I did not warn you), the world-building is much better than usual, more cultivation fantasy fare than historical romance, and stuffed so full of sweetness you get cavities. Also, for a bit of turn of events, there’s not a dark, brooding, and mastermind male counterpart to a scheming, intelligent and time-travelling female protagonist. Time-travelling to a magical cultivation world might just be a bit too much, no? But as always, a happy ending.


Unicorns summary: Unicorns summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Unicorns. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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