






她与她的沙场恋歌。 。楼船夜雪瓜洲渡,铁马秋风大散关。 。因为一场政变,跌入人生低谷的谢敏与李奕在边关重逢,在朝堂沉浮、战火纷飞中相知相扶相爱。(第五话开主线)。 。只有谋略,只有算计,只有时时留心,只有步步为营。 。白切黑.相府长女 × 大白花.将门独子。 。权谋。百合。架空古代。


类别玄幻 少女 魔幻
























内容简介:  为了能转世修仙,林文被迫于红尘中积累善缘。却没想到,不知不觉中。他就成为了这万丈红尘之中,唯一的光。-书友群:5755832631w0-3599


内容简介:身为世间唯一一只神兽紫狐,洛简没什么特点,就是懒了点。系统每天都要为此操碎了心,痛心疾首,语重心长:“宿主,你现在身负一千万点罪孽值,罪孽深重,请你好好做任务!”狐狸动了动紫色的毛茸耳 朵:“……哦。”大概是老天看不惯她这么懒,于是出现了牧亓这个克星!她不动,他便主动靠近,一步步将她纳入怀中。待回神,她又双叒叕被他叼回了家。洛简:“……”放开我后皮颈!1w0-77528 >>


内容简介:顾嘉本是真千金,却因错抱而流落在外,十几年后才回到父母身边。养在乡下的她心思单纯,比不过那位一直被父母养着的假小姐,深宅大院之中她处处艰难,受尽苦楚,最后就连亲事也是捡了一个对方不要的 。重活一世,再入侯门,她只想捞钱,捞足了就走,什么父母亲情,什么豪门公子,一边去吧。无脑苏爽文一枚,重生后走上人生巅峰的故事1w0-3993 >>




内容简介:关于一手遮天,一手捶地我不晓得为何他们见了我总是如临大敌,其实我这个人一向都怀着一颗慈悲之心。苍天可鉴,那些关于我的传闻,真的只是谣传。作者更新不定,勿跳本文讲述了女主在众人皆以为她是 杯具的情况下如何让众人一个个沦为杯具的血泪史。文风半轻松半调侃,笑虐点俱在。在这个三章定追弃的网络熏陶下,本文可以把该要求适当再减少一章。1w0-33424 >>


内容简介:日更求不养肥qwq从电竞平台退役那年,李钟郴也不过才22岁。隐退SVG俱乐部任位教练,闲时无聊开直播打野局,曾经叱咤风云的国服第一突击手Echo,戒烟戒酒,活得像人生往后快进了十年。粉 丝脱了大半,留下的都是铁血死忠。所有人对造成这一切的赌注心知肚明,只有他避之不提。直到乔昳回来了。那位从国服转战美区,全球赛打到顶1w0-69642 >>


Gambling. Mahjong. Death. These are the themes of this fast-paced, undercover-agent-style manga where outrageous life-or-death gambles are made daily occurences and insurmountable odds are overcome. The most hardcore, action-packed mahjong manga you will ever see.

Yuri Tengoku

• Shining Mars Aya loves her childhood friend Yuna but Yuna is good at everything and Aya worries that she's not good enough for her. The metaphor of Earth and Mars is used to describe their relationship/situation. • Omoi no Kisetsu What happens when two nuns-in-training are discovered to be having a relationship with each other? • Rooftop A girl confesses her love to her crush many, many times, but her crush thinks that she's just saying it out of pity. • Bound by a Red String A romance blooms between two roomates in an all-girls' boarding school. • The Glade in the Forest Behind the School Two girls share a secret place, and become close because of it. • I'm Here Agirl returns to a place she lived in as a child and sees a childhood friend again. • She, I, and the Red Book • You're Lovelier than a Rose Aparody about an all-girls school with an underground student council that's a bit... unusual. It makes a few funny references, to things like Marimite and Takarazuka. • Autumn Sleepiness Two girls are stuck coming into school on a Sunday to do work for the Student Council. But why is one of them so sleepy? • Beyond This Sky A girl consoles a new student who has just come to the school. • Friends Two particular girls, one of whom just happens to be the board chairman of their school, become friends with each other. • My Partner • Princess Academy

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However, at one time, he noticed he could eat the magic stones of monsters with that skill and absorbs their abilities, furthermore, he was informed he was the prince of the neighboring country!
What awaited him at the royal castle was an environment where he could train and experiment with the abundant amount of magic stones, bringing out his strong potential――and finally, even acquiring the ability of the legendary monster, the Dullahan!
Surrounded by an a.s.sertive fiancée and a clumsy knight girl, the new life for the boy who will become a “King” begins!

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I Was Reincarnated

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Reincarnated again and again for failing to reach his life span, the protagonist’s soul finally lost its ability to become human in his next life. Finding it amusing, G.o.d decided to send him instead to a world where magic and demi-humans exist, and turns him into a Demon G.o.d — a legendary, fearful existence among the residents of that world.

Brutal Journey Of An Unfortunate Female Heroine

Brutal Journey Of An Unfortunate Female Heroine summary: Not your typical reincarnation novelReina Strauss was a foreigner in j.a.pan.After the death of her mother she goes to live with her j.a.panese dad in j.a.pan. When she gets there though things don 't happen quite like she expects. On her first day of high school her whole cla.s.s is forced to kill each other to survive but, even if she survived she gets sent to a place where worse things happen. ...

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