








简介只要优子也战斗漫画 ,两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书。 被卷入战斗也无动于衷的女子高中生新王州优子的战斗,开幕!





隔离带 2



















内容简介:【言情小说】他在她耳边呢喃,“阮绵绵,你就跟你的名字一样,抱起来软绵绵的,就不知实质怎么样,不如你就主动点吧,我们之前的所有事情也算是了结了,怎样?”……五年前,她扒光了他,害得他一觉 醒来就动了大怒,“女人,你要是让我逮住了,你就死定了!”五年后再遇,她拔腿就跑,跑?他邪笑,“感谢老天把你送到我的面前。”不过,惩罚这个女人怎么像惩罚自己呀,这女人像是毒,让他一吻上了瘾,一摸起色心,不觉中还丢心,这不要怪他,怪就怪她实在太勾人,某天,竟然得知她已经有了个儿子,还有个男人,这妒忌这羡慕,呵呵,好样的,看他平时对她太尊重是不是,好,哪怕在电梯里,我也会让你销魂呻吟,让你永远也忘不了我……小妖孽:你为什么跟我一模一样?,某人:是你跟我一模一样!1w0-74404 >>


内容简介:某天,宋书航意外加入了一个仙侠中二病资深患者的交流群,里面的群友们都以‘道友’相称,群名片都是各种府主、洞主、真人、天师。连群主走失的宠物犬都称为大妖犬离家出走。整天聊的是炼丹、闯秘境 、炼功经验啥的。突然有一天,潜水良久的他突然发现……群里每一个群员,竟然全部是修真者,能移山倒海、长生千年的那种!啊啊啊啊,世界观在一夜间彻底崩碎啦!书友群:九洲1号群207572656九洲2号群168114177九洲一号群(VIP书友群,需验证)637696321w587-98204 >>


内容简介:五代十国——夹在唐朝和宋朝之间,历史上最混乱的时期之一,造反谋逆层出不穷,朝政更替屡见不鲜。节度使——手握一州之军政大权,手下士兵“唯知其将之威,而不知天子”,是古代第一热门造反职位, 唯一能约束他们的是对君主的忠诚。后世青年陆原,无意中穿越至一名南唐进士身上。他对皇帝毫无忠诚可言,当官至节度使时,也因不可抗拒的原因,走上了举兵造反之路。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《南唐节度使》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76112 >>


内容简介:师兄,内丹借我用用师兄,内丹借我用用小说阅读武侠仙侠类型小说师兄,内丹借我用用由作家浅夜白创作文案一:我的债主是名声雷动的校霸相传赤手空拳将同门打得魂飞魄散而我无意中吃了他的内丹被他扣 在身边变着花样欺负能不能看得到明早的太阳只在他一念之间可校霸师兄其实有一点点温柔啊文案二:一只瓶子不知怎的吃了别人的内丹,顷刻间被三道天雷追着屁股跑,竟然飞升成了个神仙,因肚子里这颗莫名其妙的内丹,两人扯不断离还乱,却不知从一开始就深陷在一个欺天的大阴谋里内容标签:欢喜冤家天作之合小兵提供师兄,内丹借我用用最新章节师兄,内丹借我用用最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-75664 >>




内容简介:高亮排雷!狗血!古早!火葬场!男c女未定,介意慎入!求预收《虐文女主是我姐》世人都道是裴二公子厌弃了月宁,却不知自她离开后,裴淮便夜夜思她入魔,梦里尽是月宁眼梢微红,低声啜泣的模样。矜 贵公子活成了行尸走肉。裴淮知道,他快要疯了。上元节灯会,华灯璀璨,摩肩擦踵,流光溢彩的烟火声中,裴淮忽然看见月宁站在桥上,冲他莞尔一笑,唇齿轻启间,似在嗔怪,仿佛在说:怎么还不过来,等你等得累极了。他脚步微动,想上前确认之时。身旁有个男子极快地提袍而上,于月宁身前站定脚步,伸手递过去编织精巧的花灯,两人相视一笑,万千烟火轰然炸开。那一刻,裴淮攥紧了腰间的长剑。阅读指南:※架空,非常空。※撒狗血的火葬场,结局he※男主黑化后很黑,大概率有强取豪夺。求个预收《虐文女主是我姐》姜宝忆做了个噩梦,梦里本该拿着甜文剧本的姐姐,最后把自己作成了虐文女主。不仅被人糟蹋玷污,就连姜家都血流成河,人仰马翻。而罪魁祸首,便是惨遭抛弃,对姐姐爱而不得的前姐夫周启。姜宝忆痛哭流涕,爬过去扯着他的袍子求放过,然而素来温润儒雅的人,坐在高头大马上,只说了一句:不留一个活口!姜宝忆惊醒!看着眼前手握香囊,尚还娇羞无比的姐姐,打算做些什么。“你说,他会喜欢吗?”姜宝忆连连点头:“喜欢,喜欢,你做什么他都喜欢!”姐姐:“他瞎了,大夫说治不好了…”姜宝忆:“你信我,他不会有事的!”姐姐:“平阴候世子来提亲了,他说了好些体己话,我实在扛不住了…”剧情还是走到了这里,周启再次惨遭退婚。姜宝忆锤了下心口,险些当着周启的面哭出声来,姜家药丸了!“你哭什么,被退婚的是我,又不是你。”“宝忆,我是个瞎子,你姐姐选了世子我能理解……”“宝忆,你走吧,我不会恨姜家的…”姜宝忆听他胡扯,最后壮了壮胆子,决定自己来。她颤着双手,捧起周启的脸,无比真诚:其实…我爱慕你很久了。推荐专栏完结旧文《那个偏执独爱我》readapp2重生后男主又黑化了1w0-44670 >>

Kusenai Yoru No Kioku

Eve has to accompany her father to a party held in a luxurious hotel and curses her unfortunate life as a daughter of a ruthless tycoon. Her role is to blandish a businessman who is planning to take over her father's company by seducing him with her youth and beauty, to maneuver the deal in favor of her father. By the time an irresistibly attractive man comes into view, Eve is fed up with everything. Defeated by his temptation, Eve shares a passionate kiss with him, not knowing that he is the man who she has to sweeten tonight!

Heat Guy J

From Tokyopop: Daisuke Aurora works with the special division of peacekeepers in the city of Jewde, one of the largest cities on the planet. He and his android partner, Heat Guy J, team up to make sure that anything illegal stays off the streets and out of circulation. However, their presence doesn't sit too well with the local mob leader--a ruthless, unbalanced, well-armed son of the late Don, who is out to prove that he is not too young to take over the family business. In the city that never sleeps, will Daisuke and Heat Guy J end up sleeping with the fishes? Wiki: Coinciding with the anime series in 2002, a manga version of Heat Guy J was released. It was eventually distributed in the U.S. by TOKYOPOP in 2005. It was written and drawn by Chiaki Ogishima. While the main characters and general setup were similar to the anime, the manga has its own unique storyline and supporting characters. There is only one volume in the series, and it includes several pages of bonus material related to the show.

Strike Witches: Tenkou No Otometachi

Set in a world similar to Earth in the mid twentieth century, Strike Witches tells the story of a fight to protect that world using a combination of magic and technology. The titular Strike Witches, a group of young women with high magical potential, have been gathered together from various nations in a task force to fight against the enigmatic Neuroi. This puzzling enemy force has appeared frequently and without warning in many areas across the world. The weapons of the Neuroi mostly take on forms similar to propeller aircraft but their most troubling tactic is the spreading of a corrosive miasma. Not only do normal humans have no defense against this miasma, but the remnants of the land affected by it are processed by the Neuroi into new weapons, crumbling huge sections of former nations into the sea. As the miasma seems to be unable to spread across large bodies of water, humanity has designated such areas as their main lines of defense. In order to bring out their potential for use in battle, each Witch equips a unique machine onto their legs: the Striker Unit. With the Striker Unit equipped, they gain the ability to fly and their tapped magical potential provides the strength to utilize weapons far too heavy and powerful for a normal man. Also created is a defensive field that can protect the Witches from the Neuroi's miasma as well as other physical weaponry, making them humanity's trump card in the war. The franchise's main media focuses on the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, spearheading the counterattack in war-torn Europe.

Bikkuri Suru Hodo Doji Na Koi

Nao and Tom have been friends since childhood, Nao being the caretaker and Tom being the clumsy airhead. Their high school lives have been fairly uneventful—that is, until Tom suddenly confesses to Nao one night. Though Nao points out the obvious “but we’re both boys…?” The second story deals with two college students who’re doing a room share. Shimizu Mikio is in his second year of college, and has started rooming with the fluffy, energetic Sawamura Souta. But the more they’re together, the more Miki starts to notice something: Souta seems to like him. from hazukashiikedo.wordpress

The King's Avatar Epilogue - Reunion

The King's Avatar Epilogue - Reunion summary: The King's Avatar Epilogue - Reunion summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The King's Avatar Epilogue - Reunion. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Changing Of The Guard

Changing Of The Guard summary: Changing Of The Guard summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Changing Of The Guard. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision summary: Tunnel Vision summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tunnel Vision. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Underwoods summary: Underwoods summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Underwoods. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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