










简介【微博:马逊-苏生战铳 QQ群:556876157 每周一更新】瑛麒动漫旗下高人气作者——马逊最新作品简介:不久的将来,世界成为了一个奇异国度。政府认可下,濒死的人将不获拯救,而部分刚失去生命的 '幸运'死者,将被黑暗市场的买家购买,经特殊技术从死里救活并进行改造,成为被称为'苏械'的强大战士!被作为死斗市场【战铳】当中赌博赌命的工具!






















内容简介:《鬼尸婆婆》出自天涯论坛的莲蓬鬼话专栏,原名《爷爷经历的荒诞离奇鬼怪童年》。这是一篇集童话、志怪、灵异以及各种荒诞离奇的民间故事为一体的原创奇幻小说,作者以其天马行空般的想象力创作出一 个个奇幻怪异的故事,使得小说博得众多网友的追捧。现已出小说更名为《童年诡事》。1w0-109504 >>


内容简介:云都最新八卦:欧阳家庶出的二小姐不是得了怪病,而是偷人怀了孩子。众人骂欧阳素锦这个庶女不知廉耻,为了掩饰自己有孕竟是声称自己得了怪病欧阳素锦止不住的冷笑,她自己声称得了怪病?那一个个害 了原身的仇人,洗干净脖子等着她砍。只是曜亲王,你能有多远滚多远吗?曜亲王舔着脸道:“夫人,孩子们说,让我们再给他们生个弟弟妹妹,不如我们努力努力?”1w0-47458 >>


内容简介:宁柒期和陆然应该是敌对的关系,无论是利益还是正义,他们应该是道不同不相为谋的两个人,她是女杀手,他是正义的ICPO国际要员,更是她仇人的儿子,两个人在动荡又不安的年代互相利用,互相试探 ,却又暗生情愫,对他来说权力和感情孰重孰轻,仇恨和背负的血债又让她不得不面对,他们的感情将何去何从。1w0-2017 >>


内容简介:【周六零点入V,留言发红包哦么么哒】【你是男主们年少时的白月光,将他从黑暗中拉出来,是他唯一的救赎。在未来,你会与飞黄腾达的男主相遇,被他一生宠爱,但是】【穿越女们进入世界,熟知剧情, 陷害你成为恶毒女配,取代你在男主心中的地位,让你从一生喜乐变得家破人亡。】【所以你的任务是破坏穿越女计划,脱颖而出成为对男主最舔的那一个,当男主心中永远的白月光。】虞染:哦,这个我熟。然后1w0-105611 >>


内容简介:韩沐她妈是杏花镇梨花村有名的一枝花,也是远近闻名的悍妇,她爹是高不可攀、英俊潇洒、谈吐不凡的下乡知青。后韩沐她妈见色起意,把她爹扒拉到自己怀里,才有了韩沐。村里人都可怜韩沐他爹倒了八辈 子霉才娶了这么一个能让小儿夜啼、混混转身就跑的悍妇。直到韩沐她爹考上了大学,村里人都可怜韩沐娘俩要被大学生抛弃,以后就是孤儿寡母了。人家在城里上大学,吃香喝辣,她们娘俩以后只能面朝黄土背朝天,收拾土旮旯…………后来他们一家三口收拾行李一起回了城。面对阴阳怪气的妯娌,韩沐她妈有拳头。面对一心强迫韩沐她爸原谅以往的叔叔,韩沐她爸自己会怪气阴阳,还有媳妇。面对会书法、会小提琴、会舞蹈的,有大量藏书享受的堂妹……韩沐看看她爹教的一手草书,她酸了……1w0-82675 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我,金色超人,加入聊天群】唐子川意外穿越漫威世界,还得到名场面打卡系统,新手礼包直接开出金色大超模板!那这不是无敌了?呼吸吹灭太阳、一个喷嚏摧毁太阳系、无视时 间驳论杀死祖母、氪石当饭吃这是对白银时期超人能力的描述,然而在白银超人之上,还存在着一个超人的至强形态,金色超人!金超能够颠覆规律,做到无中生有,玩弄时间、空间、物质,修改现实这已是神仙开局,竟还有聊天qun找上自己?叫我议员:为了更美好的明天而战!逃离桃花岛:“郭靖是谁?我只认识子川哥哥!”道宗小公主:“我不愿当冰主,只愿当子川哥哥的乖妹妹。”传说中的大肥羊:“蹭蹭欧气,我不想逢赌必输金色之神。”眼见大事不妙,主急了!我真不是先知:“那是我哥哥,你们不准抢!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-76632 >>


Orochi is a girl not of this world, that much is clear. Among a few other unique qualities of her, she is immortal. We follow her through the monstrosities she witnesses in her ongoing life; the terrors and horrors of this world considered 'supernatural', the real, true meaning of 'vain' and a few mysteries that are, perhaps, inexplicable, to name a few. Though they do not happen to her in particular, she does try to help out of the goodness of her heart. For the better or for the worse, that much is unclear.

Jail Bird

collection of onehsot 3) Blue Cheer Nobuhiro Honjou was, all of a sudden, attacked and kidnapped by two guys. He woke up to find himself tied to a chair in front of a an unfamiliar young man... 27 pages concerning abduction, drugs, death, sex, and torture. 'Maybe it was the drugs... or... or because I was already insane... or maybe because I was only looking for body pleasure... or... maybe in that moment, I really did love him...' -- Honjou (summary written by Flamie) The insane love between a drug dealer and the mad man who was in the incest relationship with his younger brother who died from overdose. 4) Betrayal Game The revenge drama of the beautiful employee who is sold to the support company's owner by his lover, the young CEO of the company. 5) Futaba-kun and Futaba-kun The romance of a student who gradually finds many unique points in his transfer classmate with the same name and falls in love with.

Mikansei Na Karada

Consists of six stories: 1) Incomplete Body - Masaki-chan breaks up with older lover Kyouji so he can date a woman. But he keeps coming back for Kyouji's cooking! Can they really stop seeing each other? 2) Incurable Love - A pop teen idol, Kawaguchi Kou, is stopped by his agent Nagano from seeing his high school friend and crush Gariyou. What does Nagano have planned for Kou? Gariyou's story is told in the oneshot One Sweet Night from Amaiyo Maiyo. 3) The Resting Snake - Shitsuke is a guy who likes older men. But when straitlaced student Tagawa chastises Shitsuke's lifestyle, Shitsuke decides to teach him a lesson. 4) Voiceless Night. 5) Spiritual Apartment - Narazaki wanted to confess his love to Takemoto. But on that fateful day, an accident happened and both fell into the spiritual apartment. 6) Shameless Night + Omake (Between Hearts) - Takatou and Moriyama are enjoying each other's company on a regular basis, but Takatou convinces himself that it is all due to drinking and the bad economy. When he decides that the relationship needs to end, how will Moriyama react? Will Takatou be able to abide by his decision?

Sougiya Riddle

Hayate Sakura, a normal high-school student except one thing: ghosts are attracted to him. One day, someone saved him from all the ghosts he had attracted. His so-called hero introduced himself as Undertaker Riddle who sends spirits to peace. Sakura then asked him a favor if he could help him get rid of the ghosts, and in exchange he'll do anything. Undertaker Riddle then offered Sakura to work for him as an Undertaker too. Will he take the job and get rid of the ghosts, or decline the job and have the ghosts on his tail for the rest of his life?

The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour

The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour summary: The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ethereal Paradigm

Ethereal Paradigm summary: Ethereal Paradigm summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ethereal Paradigm. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

That Share Of Glory

That Share Of Glory summary: That Share Of Glory summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of That Share Of Glory. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Roman and the Teuton

The Roman and the Teuton summary: The Roman and the Teuton summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Roman and the Teuton. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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